Saving raw data in memory into a TIFF file
In a previous blog post, I pushed a monochrome 16-bit image from my Zedboard FPGA into the designated DRAM. In freeimage, all images are represented as FIBITMAP type. To form such a bitmap from the raw memory location--which I call BSP_dma in my Linux application--without copying memory, the following code snippet worked:#include <FreeImage.h>//To save image to TIFF file
FIBITMAP* bmp = FreeImage_ConvertFromRawBitsEx(
FALSE,//do not copy src
me->imgParam.width, me->imgParam.height,
16, //bits per pixel
0, 0, 0);//RGB masks
FreeImage_Save(FIF_TIFF, bmp, fname.toLatin1().data(), TIFF_NONE);
Finally, release the memory (I do NOT mean free, since we did NOT allocate anything on the heap):
Adding custom tag to TIFF
libfreeimage supports many metadata model. Of these, I am interested in the Adobe XMP model, which is enumerated as FIMD_XMP in libfreeimage. I can put ANY STRING I want into this single key named "XMLPacket". Assuming I have a QString called profile that contains that free-form string, here is the code snippet to write that TIFF tag:FITAG* tag = FreeImage_CreateTag();
// note that the FIMD_XMP model accept a single key named “XMLPacket”
FreeImage_SetTagKey(tag, "XMLPacket");
FreeImage_SetTagLength(tag, profile.length());
FreeImage_SetTagCount(tag, profile.length());
FreeImage_SetTagType(tag, FIDT_ASCII);
//The tag value must be stored after the tag data type, tag count and
//tag length have been filled.
FreeImage_SetTagValue(tag, profile.toLatin1().data());
Q_ALLEGE(FreeImage_SetMetadata(FIMD_XMP, bmp, FreeImage_GetTagKey(tag), tag));